Cast & Crew
99 glass artists were interviewed over the course of 3 years for this documentary.
Unfortunately we couldn't fit them all into the film.
(This is due to our shortcomings as filmmakers, not their work.)
A huge thanks to the artists interviewed. You have allowed us to share this great craft with others around the world.
JW and Frito greatly appreciated your time, expertise, and a bed to sleep in.
The crew of My Glass Odyssey worked (and are still working!) tirelessly on this project.
John Waterman
Writer, Director, and Producer
Rich Bokides
Associate Producer and Post-Production Supervisor
Ryan Cooper
Brandon Driscoll-Luttringer
Post-Production Producer and Colorist
Kendra Gilbert
Post-Production Coordinator and Festival Coordinator
Peter Sauvey
Picture Editor and HD Finishing
Carey Ray Jaramillo
Jacob Fishman
James Kolbuk
Gil Reynolds
Jackie Weinel
Print Coordinator
Becky Hamm
Web Developer
Star and Chief Barker